Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Facebook, the new substitute of coffee...

Nescafe have a reason to worry now, because it has got a new competitor in market. Or not Nescafe alone, it's the coffee/tea industry that should be worried.

Facebook for a very long time has been the epidemic for which no medicine is found yet. It succeeded constantly in proving that people are interested in other's lives more than their own.

According to the data, 60% of the questioned people roll out of their bed and check facebook updates. And the same percentage check facebook just before going to sleep. Facebook surpasses any other social media activities by long distance with next best youtube videos with 29%. May be it's because of the shows like 'How I met your mother' and 'Game of thrones'. Where is drinking coffee or tea in the list? People find time to check their facebook updates but not for having a coffee or reading newspaper in the morning. Newspapers have redeemed themselves with mobile apps and mobile sites. But what does Nescafe have to do for themselves? Does it have to create an android app which gives the users a feel of catching the aroma of fresh coffee in the morning?

India is predicted to have highest of facebook population by 2016. Every third in ten internet users in India have facebook account. Do you know that one-third of all the divorces filed has the word 'facebook' in it? Do you know over 25% people are dumped through facebook by changing relationship status? Do you know once Burger King offered free burgers for those who unfriended people on facebook? Do you know that out of five pictures clicked one goes to facebook? Do you know once in 2011 Ireland rewrite their constitution with the help of facebook?  Do you know that the recruiters prefer look at your facebook profile rather than your resume?

More you know the more you feel sorry for yourself!!! You don't have to share this blog on facebook, but share a cup of coffee with your friend sitting next to you.

Think... Think... Think...